Ornament Reading

I found the idea that we need to put art in the public eye so that we can study and get inspiration from art. I agree with it because we will never learn or develop if we have no source material on how to improve or what to do differently. Also the making of the printing press made it easier for this art to spread and inspire everyone. Which is why I think the writer wrote this. To show the need for documenting and studying art so that we can develop and get inspired for the years to come. 

Museums are a way to make art accessible to people so that they can get inspired and learn from different artists. Before only certain high class people could afford the art which made it harder for craftsmen to get models of work and build off of them. I think museums are a great way to to study art because you can see the art in its physical form. Just like the printing press was made and made it easier to spread ideas, the internet was made as well. It is also an way to study and get inspired by art. It is a much more efficient way of doing it. It goes along with the idea of getting art out there so that we can document the development of different types of art and art styles, and have a source for inspiration for new design. 


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