WARP First Post (PAMM Visit)

I visited the PAMM art museum on Friday. It was a different experience for me because i do not visit art museums often. I thought the spots, dots, pips, and tiles exhibit was really cool and interesting. Dominoes had a different meaning to most artists featured in the museum. The overall visit was intriguing because they featured short films and a dark room where they just played very loud sounds through a circle of speakers. These things were something i've never seen in an art museum before. 

I had a few favorite art pieces i found captivating. I liked how Radamés Figueroa’s used inspiration from active streets and the city to create dominoes. He used his surroundings and things we would never consider art such as: gum, bottle caps, and spray paint and made it into something we would consider art. I thought it was a creative way to use your surroundings. Another artist I liked was Donald Evans. He hand painted dominoes on stamps. He used the pips to show how much the stamps would cost. He also said that while playing dominoes chat and exchange information much like sending letters. I thought that was a beautiful way of connecting dominoes and sending letters. So many different artists had different meanings behind their pieces but had one thing in common which were dominoes. 


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